Please take some time to read the review of the redistribution of wealth published by Paul Buchheit on Common Dreams entitled "The Shocking Redistribution of Wealth in the Past Five Years."
I guess an honest look at this assessment is for all honest brokers to study. One reaches the conclusion that the allowance for a highly regulated marketplace in which profiteering is reduced and policed is well within the means of the prosperity of this nation and for that matter the world economy.
Why is that? Because the redistribution of wealth is so badly tilted toward the non-wage earner investment income that the pin ball machine should be banging and clanging "tilt."
Washington politicians apparently are forever in the Alfred E. Neuman phase of unconscionable neglect of an economy setting us up for disaster brought on my greed unregulated and exploitative of the common good. Enough said. Happy New Year to the rich for sure, but no need to say that. So God help the hopeless, the marginally employed, the jobless, and the destitute. God help us all to be better people.
Published on Monday, December 30, 2013 by Common Dreams The Shocking Redistribution of Wealth in the Past Five Years
by Paul Buchheit. On the internet at: