Capitalism makes no stranger of statism of any brand of statism: fascism, nazism, phalangism, communism, and socialism. State ownership of the means of production under our system of laws should actually maximize employee/worker due process rights (no termination without just cause).
The really bad press for state ownership is really about enshrining the profit taking behavior of the investor class and the management class at the expense of the working class and the consumer class. Then on top of the bad press, we the American public are told time and time again that income tax assessments of corporations are passed through to the consumers with increased prices. Well, that is a no duh (and what corporation fit to invest in ever really has taxable income?).
What is wrong in all of this is that the effective income taxation of personal income of investors from sale of stock and payment of dividends is minimized by Congress. Thus over time the top 10% and the top 1% grow filthy rich, the middle class of employed workers and consumers begins to shrink, and the poverty class is badmouthed as the cause of social reform public expense (which shields us from recurrence of the Watt's Riots and the revolution that results when society is destabilized by true ruling class - the wealthy). Go figure. But do your homework.
True patriotism is keeping our society open (which means accountable from the top down) and progressive and inclusive.
Note bene. The recent entries by this author to the blog concern statism (which concern properly understood ties the conservative right (even libertarians) to the liberal left. Notice I did not say conservatives to liberals. The reason I am a liberal is that I believe in effective societal and community care with government taking the lead and responsibility for the welfare of people for which and to whom it must be both responsible and accountable. I reason I am a leftist because I want government not to exceed necessary state power. The debate in Congress and the state houses of the country is about that very thing - the extent of state power - and the Courts both state and federal must monitor with absolute rigor what then is both unnecessary and unreasonable grabs of power (which is our watch for creeping statism which unites the right and left in this country with the middle or moderate folks).