A Psychiatrist’s Letter to Young People about Fifty Shades of Grey
The good doctor speaks in a forthright manner. The movie discussion (what's wrong with this picture - let me count the whys) is indeed an excellent outline for conversation with one's teen and pre-teen children about healthy sexuality. As the doctor itemizes the "whys" it becomes clear the movie by posing as entertainment teaches the negatives. Speaking of the abyss of sexualization of a relationship without marriage is not enough information for young people. They do need much more information. That's why church communities have embraced education for life and living inclusive of human sexuality. Watching the movie as entertainment per se becomes a reflection on the individual who might argue in defense of the postures taken by the two young people in the film! Hopefully, they have an excellent psychiatrist/psychologist relationship to bring them to the real issues that have destroyed the natural potential for true human intimacy and mutually beneficial relationship without the use or abuse exhibited in this movie.