A Work Day
Tea Time Prayer
My chastised will
By worries is beset.
So let me sip this tea
As if a hint of Thee.
May its charm
Be you of me.
In the moment now
Your calm be mine.
My hastened heart
Yet stills for Thee.
©2012 by Richard J. Hilber.
All rights reserved.
Note to my readers: This is a composition that fits on the back of a business card. Used for that purpose, my blog readers have my consent to its use. Also, for those who puzzle over language, just one question for reflection: when is a noun not a noun? Answer: When it's a verb (or an adjective or an adverb).
This poem was in my mind and then on my lips and then spilled out whole as I awoke the morning of Saturday, October 20, 2012. I'm not a tea time person per se but the inspiration makes the prayer one for those who from time to time live to work instead of work to live, but know quality of life depends on living one day at a time while in the present moment. I of course include myself in that calculus of persons who should know better than I always do. Take care. RJH.