Some perpetrators are convinced of their victimhood and society’s injustices, or rather specifically that of his or her parent's or care provider's. The recent episode of school site violence, murder, and mayhem in Newtown, Connecticut comes to mind. Indeed, there is a separation in society over the review of what went wrong in the life of the particular perpetrator that led to the evil he did do and to innocent children too. Since he took his own life, one understands he did not except himself from consequence for his action (but nevertheless he escaped prosecution and state punishment of his crimes).
Justice in our society leads to punishment for wrongdoing and loss of personal freedom for the perpetrator. Two or three possible instances arise in society for a person at issue: (1) one whose conduct is adjudged criminal conduct, or (2) in exceptional cases one whose criminal conduct is adjudged that of a debased person (adjudged one who has a psychotic or sociopathic proclivity to violence or predatory acts), and (3) in some rarer instances to a separation from reality of one whose senses were deluded and had no cognizance of the actual evil perpetrated by one’s conduct on the welfare of another person (stuck a knife in a pumpkin which was actually another’s head).
The actual work of safeguarding others from the criminal conduct of such persons is thankless and arduous. The work of public defenders is absolutely without its due credit for justice requires the defense of the accused or one the subject of state due process (i.e. one to be adjudged criminally insane). The work is sometimes ineffective (given the tendency of such persons to recidivism after and during incarceration or “treatment” programs).
The law has failed, the human has failed, and we have failed with each light that is extinguished by the perverse perceptions of those who suffer self-pity instead of asking like you and me what is required but to do the loving thing, the respectful thing, and the honorable thing when we suffer adversity.
Let government speak and act to preserve us all, but also treat with dignity and justice the least of us: the pedophile, the rapist, the violent criminal, the psychotic and sociopathic mentally ill, and all those who play by a different set of rules (inclusive even of white collar criminals tending toward the sociopathic comes to mind).
Our society must govern itself (mostly by individual self government) and therefore must also provide accountability, consequence, and restraint of the evil doers by due process of law. That's what is required to procure a civilized society! In a democracy, we must require of our government its lawful pursuit of evil doers.
Accountability which does concern us all is that which arises in the long shadow cast by tragedy. At least for those of personal honesty and integrity who step out of the shadow to ask what may I do this day to provide for a different future for the survivors of the tragedy. For those who exercise the right to bear arms, the accountability is even a greater requirement of a person when the arms in the hands of perpetrators results in the death of innocent children.
I ask the second amendment advocates not to except themselves from this extremely serious discourse on remediation of evil by changes in societal regulation and control of the sale and licensing of fire arms. This includes the consequence of forfeiture of property for one’s failure to keep the fire arms from use in criminal conduct results.
Light the candle of accountability and keep it lit.
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