Friday, June 19, 2015

Who Should Serve as a Police Officer?

The police officer who falsifies a report written or oral is an absolute threat to domestic peace and public order. The reality is that no second chances can be given by his/her employer for making a false report. 

So much depends upon the law enforcement profession's reputation for truth and veracity.

I can accept that any given police officer regardless of race or gender or ethnicity is prejudiced. It's hard to stay neutral in the midst of a race war that has gone on in my homeland for generations (the real civil war). 

What I can not accept is that the rule of law can be served by police officers incapable of disinterested reports of fact unslanted by personal agendas that would betray our civilization and our society. 

Domestic peace is premised on mutual hope for redemption and de jure and de facto equal treatment for all. 

Even if you hate others, Martin Luther King gave us a way forward our other Founding Fathers failed to provide us: civil disobediance through non-violent protest. The first practitioners of non-violence must be our police officers who put their lives on the line for every domestic call, every public altercation, and every arrest of a fellow human being. 

If you are called to serve as a law enforcement officer and you do stand for something (and there are things worth dying for), please consider a career in law enforcement. We really need you!

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